Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Great Post

Read this if you are interested in ISB


Anonymous said...

Hey Doc, thanks for the honour :-)

Starwalker said...

my pleasure, mate

OMGparishilton said...

Im not sure why you've ommitted Kellogg/GSB/Sloan, if you've done that solely on the basis of age then that might be a big mistake.

Starwalker said...

Not solely on the basis of age.... you are right, one of these would seem to be o everyone's list, and they are all great schools, but i was going more for a general management school, with emphasis on healthcare, if possible. Only kellog out of these 3 has a robust healthcare stream, and i guess i decided to play it a little safe by going for a fe relatively lower ranked schools. why do you think i should have applied there?