Monday, June 30, 2008

Is it wise to opt for safety schools?

Continuing the talk about lists, i came across this post where Maverick talks about the futility of safety schools, esp for an older candidate. If its not something you REALLY want, its probably not something you want at all!

Where's my list?

My B school list is my first major decision..... sort of like Obama's Veep decision B-School bound says he has the list. I hope I was so sure. But there are a lot of similarities between our lists.

Tinydancer's MBA Blog: The Economist It Is!

Tinydancer's MBA Blog: The Economist It Is!: "Create a Link"

I Can see Tinydancer's dillemma, but I can also see a clear winner. Economist has a much clearer view of the world, or so it seems because i seem to agree with its free market recommendations. BW, on the other hand seems intent on fear-mongering and 'research' showing how bad things are for the common man


I talked about an appointment not materializing yesterday.... here's the scoop.... it was with an alumnus of a reputed US MBA program, which will obviously go unnamed..... And i was thinking all the time, this would never happen to an american, or by an american, i suppose. The guy was not western and that's all I'll say about him..... kept me waiting, even after I was clear that I was keeping myself free for him, postponing surgical procedures!!

 anyways, wanted to rant this to the blog, which essentially means myself right now..... 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moving right on

My first post was the perfect example of all thats right And wrong with me. I started to talk about myself, so, to be thorough, i started at the beginning, (a very nice place to start, i've heard). Nice, but where's the hook? its not an autobiography for god's sake. who wants to take 15 minutes to read what you did in grade school? And sisce i realized it was wrong at some level {good}, i didn't write again {bad}

whatever, here I am, sitting in a mall with ly laptop, waiting for an appointment that i suppose won't materialize, and intead of deleting the poat, i'll try to move on. 

I am a surgeon now, work in Dubai, and am hoping to get into a B-school to help me move into healthcare management..... I took GMAT last year & got 770, which was a relief. Didn't have time to apply to a lot of places, chose columbia (can't remember why) & got dinged. And here I am, an applicant for the class of 2011..... lets start making waves

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Journey Of Thousands Of Miles

My life has been a journey. As a kid, i moved from city to city, often within city.... i lived in thirteen houses with my parents, (Eight since), and have studied in ten schools/colleges by the time i finished my post-graduation. But my biggest journey is yet to come. This will hopefully be a story of that journey.

I was born in Central India, & moved within the heartland state of MP for 24 years. My father is employed by state government in a job that for some people may involve a significant moving about. It did for him, & so I moved from one small city to another, one school to another, one set of friends to another. I did medicine, because I could, & because i really wanted to be a doctor. In that order. It was more of a challange than i had bargained for, and i faultered at the firt hurdle. For the first time, I flunked. It was only a term paper, and 75% of my class was with me, but that was a poor consolation. That was when REALLY worked hard, i mean REALLY REALLY worked hard. 

That was also when i introspected really hard, what study method works for me? What are my strengths & weaknesses? Till then, studies had always been something that took care of itself. Now I realized I'm hopeless as a rote learner, but much better than others in grasping something complex. 

I also realized the utter sham of Indian education, where even in medicine, all I was expected to do was remember more stuff and reproduce in exams what the professor dictated in class.

But I was in it for better or for worse, and i had to perform now. I read more and more authors, read to grasp things I was asked to memorize, and built up a base of knowledge and a method of learning that has been helpful even since. I was in top 10% in the next term, and maintained that position in the overall rankings during MBBS. 

Next: Physician discover thyself